Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Final Project

In the east, most people were brought up to think of health as a lack of disease. If we were healthy we were physically fit, ate a well balanced diet and took care of ourselves. In the west as far back and the ancient Chinese and Tibetans, the idea was that the body needed a balance between the mind body and soul in order to be healthy (Dacher, 2006). As a young person in the twenty first century, we are finally beginning to look at these ancient practices and realize that eating right and being physically fit does not make a healthy person.

The idea of health is quickly changing, the government is becoming involved with healthcare, insurance and the costs are changing gears. Doctors, health educators and people in general are beginning to see that being healthly takes a lot more then was previously thought. As a health and wellness professional it will be importation to stay on top of the trends and truly understand what it means to be healthy, to me that means having a balance in mind, body and soul. As a profession in the health and wellness field my clients will look to me for guidance and experience, I think particularly in this field practicing what we preach is importation. In order to better sustain my life and to better help my clients I think it will be critical to implement a life balanced in mind, body and spirit.

In order to achieve this balance I have a lot of work to do. I really need to develop all the areas of the spectrum. It will not be easy, but I do have the tools necessary to make these changes in my life, starting with a good education.
In terms of assessing my body, I am healthy. I have a BMI that is in the appropriate range for my height and age. I eat fairly balanced and exercise moderately. Though I do these things to keep healthy I know I could do a lot more. I would give myself a pretty low score maybe 6 out of 10. I always think there is room for improvement, but in this case I know that my motivation to change is stalled, I always put off exercise until tomorrow. In order to be a creditable professional, this will have to change.

In regards to my mind and body I have the keys to becoming 10 out of 10 in this area, is an open mind. I came into this class not really knowing what integral health was now I am considering making it a part of my everyday life. I think that being open to new ideas and concepts gives me an 8 out of 10, also helping this number is the willingness I have to change.

In terms of spirituality, to me this is having a connection with ones surroundings and own mind. I do no think that spirituality has to do with religion or a higher power and I think that people who limit themselves to this definition are missing out. There is a lot more to ones own spirit then a higher power and as a wellness professional I will try and develop this spiritual connection with and for people outside of the typical concept of religion.
I have definitely always thought that there is a connection between the mind, body and soul. Maybe on of the first times I noticed it was when I was stressed out, I got a horrible headache and could not sleep, I was up till 4 AM, nervous about taking a test. Some people are more aware of this connection at an earlier age then others. I think that being open to the connection is a critical first step to making a change.

In terms of the physical aspect of my health I need to develop an exercise routine that I can stick with and assess on a routine basis. I need goals in my life, to make sure I complete a task. My goal for the next three weeks will be to exercise for at least 45 minuets each day. This can include walking outside or going to a class at the gym. Also, a part of my initial goal will be to set a new goal for my self in the middle of my third week. This will need to be realistic and attainable and advance myself from, just going to the gym.

In terms of a psychological goal, I am a very passive and closed off person, this is beginning to negatively affect some of my relationships. Over the course of the next three weeks, I need to make it a priority to increase my communication with the people around me. Doing this I should be able to relax more, calming my mind and allowing me to develop my mind and spirit. To me the relationship between mind and spirit grows and strengthens proportionately. In terms of developing my spirit, I just need to remember to keep an open mind. I think that another way to connect myself with my community and feel good about myself would be to do some volunteer work. I have wanted to do this for a while, but always put it off. Helping others is a great way for the spirit to feel proud and reach out and connect to others.

In terms of developing my physical health I would implement the practices of medication and yoga. One might not necessarily think of medication as a physical exercise, but to me it is so inspiring having a calm mind that I can do anything afterward. Meditation encourages me to be open to new experiences, including doing exercises that I would not normally try. I think that yoga could be my answer for all of the elements of health, mind, body and soul. Yoga is a complete workout. The great part about it is that it is so common, all gyms offer the class and not too many people go. Finding a good teacher is the hard part. The exercise itself is aimed at aligning the body, getting the mind to push the body into poses and exercises. I have never experienced anything that can connect my mind body and soul quite like yoga. The stimulation of the soul comes with the clearing of the mind and the meditation at the end of class.

Practices that I would implement in my life to develop a more spiritual self would be loving kindness and oneness. To me relationships with others are very importation. Doing exercises that make me a better mate, sister, daughter or peer are important and something that I am willing to devote a lot of time to improve. Utilizing these practices in my day when I feel stressed or mad can help me to see the good in any situation. I feel that these practices in addition to yoga and meditation would develop a strengthening of the mind that it has no choice but to affect the body and spirit.

It will not be easy to fully incorporate these ideas into everyday life. It will take constant remembering of the concepts to keep me focused on loving kindness or oneness. It will certainly become easier over time, but getting to that point will be a chore. I do feel that the journey will be worth it. As part of the process I would like to share the concepts and Dacher’s book with those who are important to me, my fiancĂ©, my mother and sisters would all benefit from an integral life. In terms of a six month goal, I will make a vow to try and implement loving kindness into my everyday life and to practice meditation as much as possible. By doing this I feel I can keep the concepts strong and fresh in my mind. Also, I go to yoga twice a week having this connection with mind and body in class will surely help develop my mental and physical self. In terms of long term integral health I think that working with clients and even seeking guidance for myself will keep me focused and working towards that balance.


Dacher, E.S. (2006) Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Basic Health Publications.