Monday, March 15, 2010

Universal Loving Kindness

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, relax and rest for ten minutes. When you are ready repeat the following:

May all individuals gain freedom from suffering
May all individuals find sustained health, happiness and wholeness
May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering
May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness and wholeness

These are all admirable ideas and something that I assume most people want to see. At first when reading the exercise I thought it was hoakie, repeating these concepts to myself. After thinking about it and doing the practice I think that as someone who does not spend too much time in the day thinking about helping others (as a result of a lack of time) that it is nice to remind oneself every once and a while that there are others out there that need help. Reminding myself that I can help is something that puts me at ease.


  1. I assume most people would want to see too. Especaily through the hard times.

    I really think its important to help better someone else's world too. why think about yourself? if you know you can give just a little bit why not do it? you will have a whole new apprecation for another person or even yourself

  2. Brittany,
    I hear ya there on to much day and not enough time, I do like the "chant" though, keep it up I'm sure it will turn things around for you.
